Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Turning a 180 - megan

So my post earlier was about how I was sick and everything and how much I missed my girls. Well as luck would have it I feel so much better and was actually able to go to my family and tuck my girls in. It was so great to see them and walk in and see thier smiles. They all told me how sad they were for me cause I was sick yesterday and that they missed me. It broke my heart when Eswari said that she cried when I didn't come. I am just really grateful that I was able to go and spend some time with them. They all were worried about the cuts and lumps on my face and said " I sad for you antie" and "don't cry." I assured them that I wouldn't at least not till tommorrow when it is my last night then I really might ball. Then we talked and read stories. Davey decided to give me a make over and Eswari did my hair and Davey did my makeup while Sathya documented. :) I looked like a girl from the 80's but it was fun. After Eswari had me sing her songs from the hymn book, and the little girls like Sagamari and Misba sang a goodnight song to me, andria, and chelsea which might have been the sweetest sound to enter my ears. When their eyes started to droop and after reassuring them that I would be here tommorrow, they ended thier hugs and said goodnight. It was so sweet and wonderful. These little girls have been through so much and have nothing and yet they are so giving and loving it amazes me. I have learned alot just being around them and sometimes I think they are teaching me way more than I can ever teach them and I love them all so much.

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