Monday, July 12, 2010

Traveling to India

So we are in India but it was quiet the journey to get here. We spent two days traveling and sleeping in airports. One of the most memorable moments was in New Delhi. As we went from the international to the domestic area, they took us to a room guarded by soliders with large guns. Then on a bus through what looked like the front line of a war. The buildings were crumbling and had holes. I turned to Griff and said, "This is the part when they turn around and kill us." :) But we were fine and even got a picture with one of the guards. At first we didn't know if he was saying yes ccause here they bob thier heads side to side to say yes instead of nod. Then we finally made it to chennia. With swollen feet and drooping eyes we tried to stay awake to beat jet lag (which worked by the way). So we went on a tour.

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