Monday, July 12, 2010

Our tour guide was Samsun and he loves Chennai. You could tell by the way he talked about these places that he was proud to be indian which was cool to me. He took us to see the 2nd largest beach in the world. This is were the poorest of the poor live according to our guide. I have many more pictures but since I can only upload a few pics at the time most of them will be on facebook. But it was sad to see this people. There homes were little shacks that got destoryed when the tsunammi season comes and they were all fisherman. Our guide asked us if the poorest people in our country were fisherman and what they were like. We told him that the poorest were probably the homeless but that there were shelters and things for them and that our government took care of the poor. He looked almost confused that we didn't have people suffering like this. It made me realize how amazing our country really is and how blessed we are to live in the US.

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