Wednesday, July 14, 2010


Today I also tried to teach some kids how to front flip. It was soooo funny when they would try to do what I say. i told them to jump and tuck, but they just kept tucking and jumping!!! :) I was helping them at first, to be safe, and they would always run to me tuck and then jump right at my knee. Then I would have to lift them. finally I got them to do the jump and tuck, and they wanted to do it alone. It looked like kids were raining from the ski, as they would jump up as far as they can and then just tuck, get scared and just flail to the ground on their hands and knees. Tonight was super fun to because the kids from my house all did fohawks with me and we took some pictures not to mention my team beat the other team in soccer twice!!!
P.S. I also posted the one below this just FYI.

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