Saturday, July 17, 2010

Mamallapurum? - Megan

Today was our day off so we went to mamallapurum or howevery you spell it. It was was to get out and do some shopping and site seeing but I really missed the kids and serving others. We went to the temples here and saw the "butterball" which is a giant rock on a slope and no one can figure out why it is not falling. I personally think that it was the girls holding it up but that is just me :) It was fun though to spend more time with these amazing girls and two boys. They are all so great and shopping togeather, site seeing, running through the rain, and wading through giant puddles of water in our chudidars was awesome. I am just sad that I did not take more pictures. I seem to have a problem with that and I always regret it. But I did pick up a new skill today and that is bardering. Rule of thumb never pay as much as they first say. I was shocked that this worked. They taught me a few tricks and I was able to lower the prices alot which was great. Also I tried a new food today that was incredible. We went to a little street place and got perota. Which is like a flacky thin bread and hard to describe. They serve it with a omelet and amazing curry like sauces. Oh man it was so good and really filling and only about 50 cents. Man I love India. I am just in heaven since all the food is incredible. Well I better get to bed but today was great and I am so excited for tommorrow when we go to church here.

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